Were You Raised by Wolves?: Clues to the Mysteries of Adulthood Review

Were You Raised by Wolves: Clues to the Mysteries of Adulthood
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Were You Raised by Wolves: Clues to the Mysteries of Adulthood Review
As I was reading Were You Raised By Wolves?: Clues to the Mysteries of Adulthood, I was laughing out loud.
I'm not really the target demographic for this book -- it's really intended for the college and early 20-something set. So, as I sit here teetering on the edge of the number whose name I will not speak, I didn't really need a lot of the advice.
But I know a couple of nieces just finishing their sophomore year in college who may find Raised by Wolves slipped under their pillow next time I see them! ;)
Why? Because in a caustically humorous way, author Christie Mellor, who also wrote The Thee-Martini Playdate, pulls no punches on "encouraging" the reader to take responsibility for some little and big things in life that just make it the world a nicer place -- like learning how to make your bed the right way, complete with illustrations (I found this one particularly helpful!) and cleaning the bathroom. UGH! I shudder at the thought of what the bathroom generally looked like when I shared a place with some other girls in college. ICK!
Mellor tells it like it is in a way that even the most spoiled and pampered almost-adults will understand, like just sucking it up when you start that new job and not acting on day one like you're already everyone's closest friend:
Until you have worked at this job for many more months, and have been invited to socialize with your coworkers, you must not behave as if you are a long-standing member of our happy family. ... You are not allowed to make amusing remarks about Heather's bad hair ... Don't assume that you are 'one of the gang' until you have been invited to be 'one of the gang.'
So many pitfalls of entering the adult working world could have been avoided in my life if I had had this guide! I had no idea I could get those nasty water rings off the wooden TV trays with mayonnaise! I also didn't know that while you CAN freeze vodka for that tasty martini, freezing gin is a bad idea!
Seriously, Mellor strikes the perfect pitch in her ability to encourage the young whipper-snappers of today to take responsibility for learning how to do some nice grown-up things that actually might get them ahead in the worlds of work, friends and love. Most of us had to muddle our way through and figure this stuff out by trial-and-error.
But Were You Raised By Wolves? is a great refresher on all the social niceties that can make our existence so much more pleasant -- plus, I'm getting started soon on her recommended grown-up reading list (except, Christie, I think I'm going to have to pass on Camus!)
Were You Raised by Wolves: Clues to the Mysteries of Adulthood Overview

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